Installed Team Calendar, but not working

Dalun Bao
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September 10, 2012

The installation of Team Calendar seems to be fine, but when I create either events or people calendar, after I filled in popup window (Create People Calendar) and clicked OK button, the window stays there and nothing will happen. If I go to Dashboard, there is a link on the left side, that allows me to create Calendar too, I was trying to create one, the popup window did go away, but nothing seems to happen after that.

Please help to shed some clue what went wrong



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Kelvin Yap
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 10, 2012

G'day Dalun, this sounds like something our Support team would need to investigate in more detail. I see that you've raised a support ticket already and the team are investigating, so hopefully they can assist you in a timely manner!

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