How to add tasks to team calendar

Deleted user July 15, 2020

I've created a team calendar and would like that calendar to show also the incomplete tasks pending from each individual.

eg: There are incomplete task from meeting notes that I would like to have shared on team calendar overview

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Joshua Sneed Contegix
Rising Star
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July 15, 2020

Hi Magno,

Check out Adding Jira events in the Team Calendar documentation. Cheers!

Deleted user July 16, 2020

I Josh. That works between confluence and Jira.


When you have an assigned task in confluence, it does not update on the team calendar in confluence.


In confluence you have a meeting minute where you are assigned to do something with usual @[deleted] //date - this does not update in team calendar within confluence

Joshua Sneed Contegix
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 16, 2020

Hi Magno,

The _Notes_ section at the end of the article states, "You can't add content to JIRA calendars as they source all of their date information from the JIRA system. To add issues and version deadlines, add them in the JIRA application's interface." This may be the cause of your problem. Cheers!

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