How can I pull a list of all team calendars and related spaces

Jenifer Kuntz
January 18, 2022

We are merging two Confluence instances and need to migrate the calendars.  I used this article to get a list of all the calendars but I also need the associated space.  We are not moving all the spaces so we need to narrow down the list to spaces we are moving.

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Dean Norman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 25, 2022
Hi Jenifer,
       Using the article you linked as a template for the query you could use the following to show the associated spaces - the query below is based on the postgres example with the changes in bold, but a similar change will work for the other database examples:
select um.lower_username as creator, sp.spacename as spacename, tc."NAME" as calendar_name, to_timestamp(CAST(tc."CREATED" AS bigint)/1000) as creation_date
JOIN spaces sp ON sp.spacekey = tc."SPACE_KEY"
JOIN user_mapping um ON um.user_key = tc."CREATOR"
ORDER BY creator;
Hope this helps!

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