Exporting Team Calendar Events to excel

Alaine Pabayos December 28, 2014

Hi Everyone,

We use the calendar to posts employee vacation.  We would like to take this information to an excel or any output to know which month most employees take its break.  Is there any way to to this with Team Calendar?  Thanks for your answers!

3 answers

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Dean Cloutier
May 3, 2016

I'm having the same issue.

I want to view the attributes of each event in a table to be able to sort and filter, etc...

Did you ever find a solution?



Kamal Kishore
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 25, 2017

You can select the Imported calendar in Outlook and go to Import/Export option. It'll give you an option to export it as csv.

0 votes
July 27, 2015

I have been able to export the calendar to my outlook but I was not able to export it from outlook to excel.

maybe I missed a step though.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 29, 2014

Hey Alaine,


I'm not sure whether the iCalendar format is what you're looking for, but please have a look at the following documentation to understand how to export the Team Calendars to the iCal format: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/TEAMCAL/Export+Team+Calendars+Content+to+Other+Calendars

You can then try to import this file to your excel, although I'm not sure it's possible.


I hope it helps! smile

Best regards,

Eduardo Mallmann

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