Confluence calendar subscribe link is empty

azias January 3, 2016

I have found today that when I want to subscribe to a team calendar, the "subscribe link" is empty. (It is on a cloud instance).

Moreover my subscriber calendar in thunderbird are now disabled (the link I used to use seems invalid now (error 400 when i try it with chrome).

I have tried creating some new calendar, resetting the link, or adding restriction but no effect.

Is it a temporary error on Atlassian server or is there something todo?

image2016-1-4 10:46:38.png

2 answers

1 vote
azias January 5, 2016

I logged a bug here: and it has been marked as duplicate of, you can vote for this issue if you have the same problem

0 votes
Aurélie Narozniak January 5, 2016


I have the same problem on our Confluence. 

someone has an idea of the problem ?

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