Confluence Staging Environment Set up

Mikhail Carbonell November 3, 2021

HI Team,

We are planning to upgrade our Confluence version 7.9.3 to 7.13.2 per Atlassian Security Advisory. 

Confluence Version: 7.9.3
Target Version: 7.13.2

1. Complete pre-upgrade checks -- PASSED
2. Upgrade - Running installer
3. Upgrade Test Environment-- This is where i am stuck

Our Confluence server is running in Azure VM ( 2008 R2 Server ) . I created a snapshot of the VM and restored in a different Virtual Network. I was able to access the Test VM and access the Confluence by going to https:\\localhost and access the confluence resource. What i noticed when im log in is the error " Your URL doesn't macth confluence is set to " production url " but you are accessing " Https:localhost" and there is an option to Update base URL. is it safe to update the base url on this test environment? or would it affect my production confluence? Did i do something wrong creating a test environment? please advise.

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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November 3, 2021

@Mikhail Carbonell Creating a snapshot of the instance is fine.  I am assuming that you made a snapshot of the Database as well and that the test environment has no way to connect to the production environment and that the test environment is connected to the test DB.  If this is the case then any change made in the test environment will not impact your production environment.  

Some recommendations when snapshotting production.  

  • Create the new snapshot in a new DMZ that cannot access the production environment.
  • Confirm that the snapshotted instance is accessing the snapshotted DB.
  • Update the snapshotted instance licenses to developer licenses.
Mikhail Carbonell November 3, 2021

Hi @Brant Schroeder 

I appreciate sharing your knowledge this will really help me, I am taking over this project and no idea how to do it. lol.

Yes, the test server has a different name but same replica of production server. 
Yes, the test server and test DB is on a different Virtual Network, no connection to Production server.

How do i confirm that the test server is accessing the TestDB? is there a tool that i can use?

Is it Vital to update the license to developer license or this is optional?

Is safe to update my the base URL in the test environment?

Thank you in Advance.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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November 3, 2021

How do i confirm that the test server is accessing the TestDB? is there a tool that i can use?  You can see this in the connection string on the server in the dbconfig.xml

Is it Vital to update the license to developer license or this is optional?  I would recommend it so you are in compliance.  Only your production instance should have a production license.  

Is safe to update my the base URL in the test environment?  Since your test instance is not connected to production in any way then yes change it up.

Mikhail Carbonell November 3, 2021

Thank you so much for all the information. I appreciate your help.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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November 3, 2021

Sure, if this answered your question can you accept it.

Mikhail Carbonell November 3, 2021

yes sir. 

Thank you.

Mikhail Carbonell November 5, 2021

Hi @Brant Schroeder 

One more follow up question, do i need to configure/change anything on the Test DB?

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 5, 2021

There is nothing that needs to be done to the test DB.

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