Confluence Calendar - is there a way to view the history of edits to an event. For example, I put an event on the calendar and then someone else edits it. Is there a way to see the history of edits to this event or to see who removed an event.

Nina W
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October 21, 2014

Is there a way to view the history of edits to an event. For example, I put an event on the calendar and then someone else edits it. Is there a way to see what I originally wrote and who made edits and what those edits were. Also, if an event is removed from the calendar can I see who removed it and when?

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Wayne Wong
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 21, 2014

Hi Nina,

I am sorry to inform you that currently our Calendar does not have such function.

However, there is some similar feature requests here:

Also. we recommend our users to comment and vote on the feature request, and customer's feedback is one of the things that the developers decide to work on next as mentioned in the Implementation and new features policy,do leave some comments if you have any suggestion for improvement.

Thank You.


Wayne Wong

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