Unable to transfer Statuspage to Atlassian Organisation using new user experience

Stephen Neil August 27, 2021


I have 2 Atlassian organisation accounts - our main one (with Atlassian Access configured) is using the new user experience. The other one uses the old experience but has a StatusPage that I would like to transfer. We're currently using the free version so unable to access Atlassian support though the intention is to move to a paid plan in the coming months.

I seem to be hitting the issue below when trying to transfer the status page to our main organisational account


Do I have to wait until on a paid plan then enlist the help of Atlassian Support to do this, or is there an alternative that I can do now before upgrading?

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Chris DeGidio
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 30, 2021

Hi Stephen,

Happy to help. We should be able to get that cleared up if you can enter in a support ticket at support.atlassian.com, please just give us the Atlassian cloud sites involved. 

We look forward to hearing from you and getting that fixed up.



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