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Status page reject our Email with Hard Bounce

Simone Maccagni
I'm New Here
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June 14, 2024


we're setting up a statuspage with email automation.
At some point I realized no email were received by statuspage, therefore the component status was not updated.


On further investigation, I found that our Mail Server Received Hard Bounce Messages with status 5.7.1 (Hard - Delivery not authorized, message refused) from all the status Page Email Endpoint, which resulted in getting them added in Discarded list.

Is there a way to check what has caused this Hard Bounce Messages with status 5.7.1 and how we can avoid it?




2 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2024

Hey Simone,
Thanks for reaching out to Atlassian Community! 

The status 5.7.1 error typically indicates that the email was refused due to a policy restriction on the receiving mail server. Here are some steps you can take to address and avoid this issue:


1. Check Email Sending Limits:

Ensure you are not exceeding the email sending limits set by your mail server or email service provider.

2. Whitelist Statuspage Email Endpoints:

Add the Statuspage email endpoints to your mail server’s whitelist to prevent them from being blocked.

3. SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Records:

Verify that your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records are correctly configured. This helps in authenticating your emails and preventing them from being marked as unauthorized.

4. Check Email Content:

Ensure that the content of your emails complies with email sending policies to avoid being flagged as spam or unauthorized.

5. Monitor and Remove from Discarded List:

Regularly monitor your mail server’s discarded list and remove any Statuspage email endpoints that may have been added.

6. Contact Email Service Provider:

Reach out to your email service provider or IT team to investigate further and get detailed logs about the specific cause of the bounce messages.

7. Use a Different Email Endpoint:

If the issue persists, consider using a different email endpoint or setting up a dedicated email account for Statuspage communications to isolate and troubleshoot the problem.


Thank you,

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Nicolas Grossi
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 14, 2024

@Simone Maccagni Welcome, as far as i know, hard bounce rejects are caused for non existing email address or user.


Could you please check that ?



Simone Maccagni
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 17, 2024

Thanks Nicolas. I'm not referring to subscribers notification.

We linked our services to status page with the email automation, our monitoring systems are sending emails to status page reporting the status of our services.

We saw once that the emails sent from our monitoring system to status page bounced back. Hope this clarifies the situation.


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