SSO Employees

Matt Brooks
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August 17, 2022


I've began setting up a Private StatusPage to use for major incident and maintenance communication across our core businesses.

We're currently on the "Growth" plan while we build everything out and that plan allows up 300 SSO employees.

We've set up single sign-on and began adding users into a StatusPage-Users AD group but the thing I'm wondering is, does the 300 users mean up to 300 users can view the page at any one time or is it only 300 users can access the page.

Across the organization we have over 3.5k employees but don't expect even half of those to bother accessing our StatusPage in the event of a major incident so we're unsure whether to move up to the corporate plan or would need the enterprise plan just to account for who may or may not bother accessing it.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Rafael Meira
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 18, 2022

Hey Matt,
Rafa here with the Statuspage support.
Thank you for your questions. 

There is not a max number of users that can access an incident, although if your page is "Private", then up to 4000 (4thousand) can access it at once since that is the limit, if it's public, then basically it is unlimited.

Let me know if you have any related questions. 


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