Rich text editor in incident

Marc Solomon
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October 7, 2021

As an incident manager when posting an update to statuspage incidents I would like to be able to provide additional formatting to my text, like bold or underline as examples, so that my message is communicated more clearly.

This functionality is available on Postmortem, but not on incident updates. Why?

2 answers

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Jimmy Rufo February 1, 2022

This seems like an obvious feature need for Statuspage.  The fact that I can use rich text to submit this community comment, but can't do so to communicate to clients about an outage is perplexing.

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Sophie Reynolds
October 7, 2021

A valid question. Sometimes I would like to emphasise an instruction as well as provide a link to some important information too and without the rich text editor this information can be lost.

I will keep an eye out for a reply to this question!

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