Meaning of "components" and "component_ids" fields in Incident update API calls

Johnson Earls December 10, 2024

In the Update Incident API calls, there are two fields, "components" (a map of component IDs to statuses) and "component_ids" (a list of component ids).

These seem redundant.

What are these two fields used for?

What is the difference between their use?

When do you use one or the other or both?


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Abhay Sarraf
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 13, 2024

Hey @Johnson Earls 

G'Day hope you're doing well

The API works off of 2 fields for Component.

  • component_ids - This tells Statuspage what all Components are affected by this Incident
  • components - This is used to Map what's the Status of a given component in the Incident

The reason for the 2 different keys - This helps show that maybe at the time of creation 5 component where affect but not all had yet experienced an outage

This becomes useful when you want to define a relationship between component 

EG - X,Y,Z are component affected but currently only Z is in Major Outage - X,Y are Partial Outage 


Getting a List of Incidents - This fetch the list of Component involved in a incident along with details regarding their Current Status and last updated and more


I hope that answered your question

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