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Bulk Delete Users?

Thomas Artingstall
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May 15, 2024

I need to remove about 500 end user subscribers from my Status Page as they are no longer using our services. Is there a way to do this in bulk? Manually deleting 500 users one by one would be a huge time sink.

Edit: For reference we use audience control on our board.

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Kevin Patterson May 15, 2024

Hi @Thomas Artingstall ,

As a page admin you should see subscribers on the left hand nav menu, if you click subscribers you'll be taken to a page that will allow you to manage the subscribers to your page. To remove multiple users at once you can select the checkbox  to the left of the name of the subscriber you want to remove and then click the remove link at the top right of your user list once you have selected the users you want to remove. I'd recommend doing them in batches of 50 - 100 at a time when removing. You'll need to go through each channel (email, sms, etc) to totally remove them as subscribers.

If you are planning to pruning statuspage subscribers regularly I'd recommend doing this through the API with a script. In the past I've used a powershell script that would take a csv file with users email addresses as the source for users to terminate. The script would look up their Statuspage user ID based on their email address and then remove all of their subscriptions for that user ID.




Thomas Artingstall
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
May 15, 2024

Hey Kevin, thanks for your reply, I don't actually see a "Subscribers" section on the left hand panel. This might be because we use access control but I have "Audience" which is then split into "Groups" or "Users". There's no option to bulk select these users.

Kevin Patterson May 15, 2024

Yes. Unfortunatly managing subscribers in the statuspage admin UI is only available in Public & Private page types. For bulk removal of subscribers in Audience Specific page types you'll have to go through the statuspage restapi. If you decide to go this route be mindful of the 100 user limit imposed on the unsubscribe a list of users, you'll want to build some controls in your script to only send 100 subscriber_ids at a time.

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