show different color for remote branch

Siu Man Hsieh November 11, 2011


I am using git-p4 to sync perforce with my local git repositiory.

some how in source tree, p4/master and p4/HEAD are displayed in pink, which is the same color as local branches.

Is it possible to have them displayed in differenat colors?

Also is there a way to hide HEAD and remote HEAD? at least when HEAD is pointing to a named branch/tag?



5 answers

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 12, 2011

The branch & tag colours match the graph colour to help you associate them.

The icons on the labels show what type they are. Local branches have a blue branch icon, remote branch icons are grey (and they also have the remote prefix anyway).

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 12, 2011

Also I think it's still useful to display HEAD even when you're on a branch - it's very quick to pick out in the log that way.

Siu Man Hsieh November 12, 2011

The branch that HEAD points to is already in bold color. I feel it's redundent information. If you look at the way gitX presents the history view, it's much cleaner.

In my situation, the p4/* remote branch is not in different color. Also they are not shown under remote group on the left panel. It maybe a bug. Again gitX does it fine and the history view is beautiful. I like everything about source tree but the history view just makes me want to go back to gitX.

Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 13, 2011

If the p4/* isn't under the Remotes section, it's almost certainly not a remote branch, which is why it's in the local branch colour. If you think it is, please provide some kind of example repo I can look at.

Siu Man Hsieh November 14, 2011

But git branch -r shows that they are remote branches and GitX shows them fine.

!529 [12:44:05] $ git branch -r

p4/HEAD -> p4/master


Siu Man Hsieh November 15, 2011

i created a sample .git that demostrate the problem. Can I send it to you through email?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 15, 2011

Please can you log a bug at - you can attach the repo to that. Thanks!

0 votes
Siu Man Hsieh November 11, 2011

sorry, it's for source tree.

I throught the tag "sourcetree" was for that purpose.


Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 11, 2011

Ahhh, I see that now... apparently it's too early in the morning for my brain to make the connection between Atlassian and their recently aquired Sourcetree app. Sorry :)

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 11, 2011

It would help if you mentioned which product you were asking questions about.

Fisheye? Bitbucket?

0 votes
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 11, 2011

It would help if you mentioned which product you were asking questions about.

Fisheye? Bitbucket?

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