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in git repository SourceTree fetch and pull were not worked for some time

Mangesh Chougule August 5, 2020

SourceTree pull and fetch is not worked for some. Other people in the group also faced this same issue.


Attaching the screenshot.


whats went wrong ? could you please suggest.git_error.png

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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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August 5, 2020

What are you using as the remote storage for the repository? Bitbucket? The error message indicate that they do not have access to the repository, and it could be a number of things. If the users that see this issue logs on to the remote are they able to access the repository from there?

Mangesh Chougule August 5, 2020

Thanks Mikael for the response!


What are you using as the remote storage for the repository? Bitbucket? 



i have verified all users have access to git repository. but yesterday while fetch/pull operations error got.


so-could you please suggest whats might got wrong?


Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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August 5, 2020

Do you see the same behavior when doing a fetch/pull from the command line? Are you using ssh or http/s as the URL? 

Mangesh Chougule August 5, 2020

thanks mikael again.


command line users are not tried i think.


but they reported this issue in sourcetree.


we use


please suggest... 

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 5, 2020

Okay, since you are using http do you know if the users that are seeing this changed their password recently? I would try doing a fetch from the command line to see if that works, and if so, then reset their GitHub account in Windows Credential Manager and also check the credentials in Sourcetree under Tools > Options. 

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