'git log' failed with code -1:'launch path not accessible '

Paul Carreiro
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June 22, 2022

I had Sourcetree successfully working on my Mac when at some point it started to return the error

'git log' failed with code -1:'launch path not accessible'

I've tried rebooting, checking that I still can log in to GitHub with the SSH key, uninstall/reinstall Sourcetree, nothing has helped. I get this error message no matter what repo I try to open.


Sourcetree version: 4.1.8(244)
MacOs: 12.4Screen Shot 2022-06-22 at 5.34.02 PM.png 

2 answers

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Martin Braun September 14, 2024

This happened to me after switching to system git, but after resetting to embedded git, it works again.

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rsendra June 27, 2022

I'm having the Same issue, But on Windows.  Version 3.4.9

And When I go to edit the Credentials for the "Hosting Account" (Repo Host)

It fails with Basic Authentication & When I try to Refresh the Oauth Token.  It tries To connect to Local Host instead of Atlassian?    Just alot is going on here and it has not been stable for Months....

I'm trying to connect to Bitbucket.

The only idea that I have is that the password can't have certain characters as mine have alot of Special chars...  

rsendra June 27, 2022

Now that was weird.

I Changed my password.  Then it all worked. 

What is weird is that it never asked me for the new password....
Apparently even if your authenticating using OAuth, there is something related to your password that caused things to fail...

So I wish you the best of luck....

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