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checkout not working windows

Maura Hill
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December 4, 2018

Hello, I've been experiencing some issues with sourcetree since yesterday. We thought it was an authentication problem since more of my colleagues had the login promt screen appear several times.. we tried trouble-shooting with removing all passwords in windowscredential, refreshing the OAuth etc. And for some it worked and as for me.. I can fetch/pull but can't checkout any branches to no avail it gets stuck downloading the first png of 10kb and that's it. 

I was running Sourcetree v. and just downloaded 3.0.8 yesterday mid-day to see if it helped (it didn't) 

Is this indeed something about authentication.. has this been reported before and about to be fixed? 

3 answers

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Ruud Geldhof December 4, 2018

okay using the git bash terminal has slightly better results, you can open it by clicking the terminal button in the top right corner.
Once there, run "git checkout [your branch name]".
It should prompt you for a password.

Got some mixed results, in my case it worked fine, in the case of a colleague, she is prompted for a password each time a single file is downloaded..

Ruud Geldhof December 4, 2018

of course, it would be nice if it would just work normally....

0 votes
Dmitry December 4, 2018

Somenone here suggested to erase all the data from SourceTree (in AppData) and reinstall. I tried that - did not helped at all.

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Ruud Geldhof December 4, 2018

having the same issue. been troubleshooting for hours now..

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