One of my users is experiencing an authentication issue after I turned on SSO for my org. Anytime he tries to push, SourceTree is asking him to authenticate. When he enters his domain creds (Azure AD) it tells him that it's incorrect. But he can log into BB just fine. I did a fresh install of SourceTree and was able to authenticate just fine during the setup process. I updated him to the latest version of SourceTree and that didn't help.
Synopsis: When he attempts to perform any Git Push or Pull operation, he gets an Atlassian login prompt. he enters his AD credentials and gets another Atlassian login prompt. he enters his credentials again and then gets a failed authentication message. he attempts to get a new QAuth token but when he does, he gets a Page Not Found error on localhost. he usually uses Sourcetree but to confirm that it was a Git issue. he attempted a Push from the command line and received the same login failure sequence.