Why is the dropdown for Organization Repos showing blank workspaces?

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June 20, 2022

I am using Sourcetree v3.4.9 (latest), but this also happened on whatever version I just updated from.

When I try to clone a remote repo from my Bitbucket account, and I tick Show Organization Repos, the dropdown appears for selecting a workspace... but all entries are blank. They are obviously there, as if I select an item on the list, the repos are filtered as if I had selected the workspace.

Sourcetree Issue 20-06-2022.png

Anyone else have this issue? Any fixes?

3 answers

- January 4, 2023

They have fixed the bug now, will be fixed in Sourcetree 3.4.11 version.

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- September 28, 2022

I am experiencing the same issue on Sourcetree 3.4.9, both for me and my colleague.

Dropdown looks like the screenshot below. Added the red text to show the actual dropdown values.


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jefersonduweibs June 28, 2022

Same problem here, actually it's been like that for a long while, but today for some reason I decided to research some solution. No answers yet.

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