Using my own hosted repository in Source Tree

Ashley Mosuro November 7, 2013

Hi there,

I'm fairly new to git and Source Tree in general, so apologies if I'm missing something blindingly obvious here!

In the past, I've easily been able to add a Bitbucket repository to my Source Tree mac app, but now I'm trying to add a remote repository on my own server that I've created without using Bitbucket.

My first question is if this is even possible?

If so, I must be getting the repository URL wrong, because whenever I try to add a repository in Source tree it's coming back saying 'This is not a valid source path / URL'.

The problem is, I'm not sure if it's an authentication issue or the fact that I'm just putting the wrong URL syntax in.

Again, I'm quite new to this so I can imagine I'm just getting the syntax wrong for the URL.

Here's the error I get when putting this URL in the Source Path/URL, myusername@myipaddress:public_html/origin.git :

/var/sites/m/ line 41: ps: command not found
Enter passphrase for /var/sites/m/ fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Init
fatal: 'public_html/origin.git' does not appear to be a git repository
/var/sites/m/ line 41: ps: command not found
Enter passphrase for /var/sites/m/ fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Init
fatal: 'public_html/origin.git' does not appear to be a git repository
/var/sites/m/ line 41: ps: command not found
Enter passphrase for /var/sites/m/ fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Init
fatal: 'public_html/origin.git' does not appear to be a git repository

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Peter Van de Voorde
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November 7, 2013

Hi Ashley,

I think there is something wrong with your git server, based on the error you get (bad line length character). Maybe this can help you :

Best regards,


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