Unable to clone a bitbucket rep

Varun Chand
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 4, 2018

Command: git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false ls-remote http://VChand@stash.internal.t-mobile.com:7990/scm/tom/testscripts.git
Error: fatal: Authentication failed for 'http://VChand@stash.internal.t-mobile.com:7990/scm/tom/testscripts.git/'



Could someone help on clearing this error out. 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 5, 2018


You are getting authentication errors when trying to clone?

Are you expecting the repository to require authentication?

Do you get prompted for credentials at all?

If you haven't already I would suggest trying the following:

1. In Tools/Options/Authentcation Tab add an account for your Bitbucket Server instance, that will prompt for credentials and you will see if they have been successfully validated.


2. Try the command from the command line outside Sourcetree and see if you re prompted by Git.

It is also possible that something has locked your Bitbucket Server account and logging out/logging in on the server will remove the lock and give you access back.

Varun Chand
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 8, 2018

Hi Michael,

Thanks for replying. Below are my answers to your questions

You are getting authentication errors when trying to clone? YES

Are you expecting the repository to require authentication? YES but I am already authenticated to it

Do you get prompted for credentials at all? No I am not prompted for credentials

If you haven't already I would suggest trying the following:

1. In Tools/Options/Authentcation Tab add an account for your Bitbucket Server instance, that will prompt for credentials and you will see if they have been successfully validated. Tried this. Though it gets successfully validated I am getting this Authentication failed error when trying to clone.



Varun Chand

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 9, 2018


You say you are already authenticated? I'm guessing this is using a username/password? Is this just via the Tools/Options/Authentication tab?

Git and Sourcetree store and use credentials from the Windows Vault/Credential Manager. If you look in there you should see entries prefixed by 'git:'. The same credentials are used if you try cloning form the Git command line.

Can you try deleting any 'git:' entries from the Windows Credential Manager relating to your Bitbucket server, then re-refresh your credentials in Tools/Options/Authentication tab, you should then see the 'git:' credentials recreated in the Windows Credential Manager.

In theory you should then be able to clone.

If you can't can you try the same again, deleting the existing entries, and try cloning using the git command line, assuming that works it should also store the same credentials.

It is also worth making sure you are using git >= 2.15

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