Unable to Pull, Fetch, or Clone repos

Max Atwood August 19, 2014

Since last week I've been unable to pull the most recent changes from my repository. I don't get any errors and the output sticks on the first command it shows:

"git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false clone --recursive https://git.example.com/server/etc"

I've run fiddler and don't see any output from SourceTree, and I've also tried reinstalling the program multiple times, in addition to this I've deleted all my existing local repositories and tried to recreate them, only to have the clone command hang. I'm all out of ideas of what to do here so any help would be appreciated.

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Max Atwood August 19, 2014

there may be something screwy with the command that SourceTree is trying to execute through the GUI. After reinstalling everything again I went through the command line to see if I could get it to work and was able to successfully pull in a copy of my repo.

I don't know what might have caused this but it seems to work through the terminal where it won't through the GUI.

Lenon Marumbwa August 27, 2014

I have an almost similar problem. Tried all you mentioned above, no progress. It throws a STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception. Any idea how i can solve this one because my Pull does not succeed

Max Atwood August 27, 2014

I couldn't tell you. I'm still learning and don't really have enough experience to help other people troubleshoot. I only got my issue fixed, not really figured out.

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