Sourcetree on Windows: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

mathewmay72 February 21, 2023

I have run into an issue using new versions of Sourcetree on Windows clients.  

A little about the environment:  running Bitbucket Data Center in a single node cluster, MSSQL database and clients are Windows machines.  SSL certificates are procured via GoDaddy. 

Starting with Sourcetree version 3.4.9 users are receiving a SSL certificate error message when trying to clone repos:

Command: git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-option-locks ls-remote https://<domain>/bitbucket/<path to repo>


Error fatal: unable to access 'https://<domain>/bitbucket/<path to repo>': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

I have been able to resolve this issue on a non-work machine by placing the GoDaddy gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt file on the client machine in the mingw64/ssl/certs directory, installing the latest version of Sourcetree and git for Windows.  Then in a command prompt with admin privilege, I issue the following command to point git and the gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt file:

git config --global http.sslCAInfo C:/Progra~1/Git/mingw64/ssl/certs/gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt

After running this command, I am able to successfully clone a repo to my local machine.

This resolution does not work on any of the workplace installed/configured machine.

I know this has to have something to do with the company's standard machine image, but what it is, I have no idea.

Does anyone have any ideas of what I could look at within the standard machine image, or even the local network configuration that might be blocking this traffic?


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