Sourcetree is taking a LOT of time to stage files

Rafael F_ October 6, 2022

Since the past few months I noticed sourcetree started taking a lot of time to stage files, this is very odd, no other operation has this issue.

Just tried reinstalling and the problem persists.

I simply click Stage and it freezes, sometimes for 30 seconds, doing nothing (not even using cpu).

Does anyone know why? How can I even fix or debug this?

update: It doesn't matter how many files I'm staging, 1 or 100, sourcetree freezes the same way.

update 2: Just tried using system Git (with latest version) instead of the embedded git and it's still freezing when I click stage.

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Rafael F_ October 17, 2022

Update 3: I still haven't figured out why this happens, but I noticed that this does not happen when I have my company VPN connected.

Which makes no sense because I cannot see what the VPN would have anything to do with staging files on git...

Rafael F_ January 14, 2023

So after all this time today I discovered the issue is Git LFS.

Not sure yet why/how/where.

But I have another repository with a lot more files but without git lfs active, and it's blazing fast to stage files.

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