Sourcetree for Mac - Can no longer pull code and error message is ambiguous.

Patrick Lockwood
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December 18, 2019

I tried to pull code utilizing Sourcetree from a repository I had pulled code from 2 days prior with no issue. I am now getting this message:

"git --no-optional-locks -c color.branch=false -c color.diff=false -c color.status=false -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=sourcetree fetch origin
Completed with errors, see above"

I've tried navigating to the repository in question in the terminal and making the git command in question there, in hopes of obtaining more information, but nothing further is provided.

Any help or ideas would be much appreciated.

Thank you.


Edit:  I suppose I should mention that I can still pull code on my Windows machine using the same account, and from the same repository, just fine.

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