SourceTree (Git) existing local repository pushed to new remote repository

Michael Probst
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November 30, 2012

I have a remote git server running Gitolite for version control. I am unable to push to my new remote repositories once I have already created a local working copy. The only way I am able to push to a new remote from my local working copy is to first pull from the remote into an empty directory. When I try to add remotes (after I have a working local copy) it seems to not work. Was able to push my local versions to newly created remote repos when I previously used Gitbox but chose to move to SourceTree due to the additional options and functionality.

I am new to SourceTree, what is the normal workflow to push from the local version to a new remote?

Thank you for your help!

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December 1, 2012

Not sure about source tree, but using git on your local repo you can change the remote repo using

git remote set-url origin git://my.gitolite.repourl

As a rule though you should just clone the remote repo (even if empty) and not create it locally.

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