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SourceTree 2.7 constantly asks for credentials

Martin Kleinhans January 24, 2018

Since updating to 2.7.0 SourceTree is basically broken for me.

It constantly asks for my credentials; apparently it does this because our self hosted BitBucket instance blocks my account after SourceTree spams too many requests to do.. something.

Once my account is blocked, the error seems to trigger the credentials dialog.

Had no problems before this version. Others seem to also be experiencing issues:


More Info: I'm using manually added local repositories that are cloned from the mentioned BitBucket instance.


3 answers

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RajanandP October 18, 2018

Came across this same issue and multiple posts too. So consolidated my research and fix at one place The summary is, problem solved when I used the same password for Atlassian's account address(which is the Gmail ID I used to OAuth to my bitbucket user), like that of my Gmail ID.

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Martin Kleinhans March 23, 2018

I have since found out that the issue only occurs if I use repositories with https authentication. I switched everything over to ssh, and then it just works.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 24, 2018

Have you added your account in Sourcetree? If yes, can you please confirm if the protocol associated with the account is same as the remote URL of your cloned repository?

Martin Kleinhans January 25, 2018

No, I have not added any accounts in SourceTree

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