Source Tree Windows 1.6 does not show uncommitted files

Graham Stewart August 21, 2014

I have just upgraded to version 1.6/1.6.1 and I am not able to see the files that are either changed in the working directory or have been staged in either the file status view or the log/History view with uncommitted changes selected.

All I see is a blank area with the message nothing to commit and a button Open in Explorer. I know there are changed files including a new file in the working copy that have not been added to the staging area I also know there is 1 file in the staging area. These are indicated in the status.

Changing the selections in the dropdown menu that allows to select the number columns or how the staging area is displayed does not change anything.

I have reverted back to 1.5.2 and the changed files are correctly displayed in the two panels.


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Rising Star
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August 21, 2014

I had the same problem when I first upgraded.

When you hit the first dropdown menu above the file list, there are two sections: "Show Only" and "Sort By". BOTH of these need to have a selected value, but for some reason "Show Only" was unchecked for me after the initial upgrade, so no files showed. Selecting "Pending" solved the problem.

Graham Stewart August 22, 2014

Yes thanks that solved the problem. Looks there should have been a default set on that menu as there was no items checked in the show only section.

By the way, I upgraded back to 1.6 to try your solution and 1.6.3 was the upgrade offerred.


I'm New Here
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May 6, 2019

re: 'hit the first dropdown menu above the file list'. Sounds, great - but what, and where, is the file list, please?

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Александр Яковлев
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July 29, 2019

Thanks it helped me.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 27, 2019

I had the same problem too. Removing hidden .git file in project folder, solved the problem for me.

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Matt Jacobsen
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August 21, 2014

I have the same problem. Opening the terminal and running "git status" shows the changes, but the GUI doesn't recognise them. Where can I get the installer for 1.5.2?

Matt Jacobsen
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August 21, 2014

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