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Shelve select files/hunks?

NikolasM June 26, 2013

Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere... my searches haven't turned up any info so far. Is it possible to shelve select files or hunks in SourceTree (instead of shelving all uncommitted changes)? Likewise, can you unshelve select items?


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Rising Star
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June 26, 2013

No, Stash and Shelve are all-or-nothing operations at the moment, the hunk-level selection in shelve extensions tends to require a full terminal interface so we only expose the simpler mode right now.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 15, 2013

We have this on the roadmap for future versions, so I'll be working closely with Steve to get this working across the platforms.


I'm New Here
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August 21, 2014

Any progress on this feature? I use this feature a lot in TortoiseHg. I'd really like to switch to SourceTree but I think for now I'll have to stick with TortoiseHg.

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Robert Futch
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March 7, 2019

Is it still in the roadmap? I'll stick with TortiseHg just for this. 

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Bastiaan Veelo
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March 15, 2016


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NikolasM July 14, 2013

Yes, I like the shelve tool that TortoiseHg provides.It'd be great to see something like it in SourceTree.

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Matt Sollars July 14, 2013

Not to point to another app that does this, but TortoiseHg fairly recently brought this feature back (it was in 1.x and temporarily lost in 2.x). It's similar to how SourceTree lets you discard individual hunks now. During the commit, you can check/uncheck the hunks for files. You don't need to shelve/unshelve the hunks to handle incremental/cherry picked commits with such an interface.

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NikolasM July 2, 2013

Ok. It'd be a really nice feature to have, as I frequently want to shelve specific files and sometimes specific hunks.

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