Nuget packages and Source Tree

February 17, 2014

I have some nuget packages such as jquery and bootstrap, and they are randomly showing up as unmodified files in my un-staged list in SourceTree, but once I stage my changes (hit the button to stage all changes), they disappear. Does anyone know what may be causing this, or if there are any changes that I need to make? Thank you for your help.

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August 6, 2014

Issue seems to have fixed itself, I haven't seen this in at least 3 months now.

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Gerald Thomas
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April 29, 2014

I'm still having issues with this. I recently upgraded my Jquery UI via nuget and now just like David M, I am experiencing this bug everytime I switch branches and go to perform my first commit. Please Atlassian can you fix this issue. It's incredibily unproductive to have all of these files in the working copy changes everytime we switch branches. WHAT IS CAUSING THIS

April 29, 2014

I am still having this issue as well, but it is much more sporadic now for some reason. It used to happen everytime that I switched branches, but now it is every few weeks.

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Gerald Thomas
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 17, 2014

I too am experiencing this bug. I am able to replicate the problem the following way. First I clone the repo from bitbucket into SourceTree. Then I open the Visual Studio Solution and as soon as the Solution is open all of my .css, .js, and .txt files that are contained within the packages directory are listed in my "Working Copy Changes" within SourceTree with the ShowPending option selected on the file/status tab. Upon clicking the "Stage All" button, the "Working Copy Changes" becomes blank and the "Staged Changes" remains blank. This is the one an only time that I am getting these files erroneously showing up in the "Working Copy Changes", but... I can repeat the entire process by cloning the repo again. Essentially each time the solution is launched for the first time after a repo has been cloned into Source Tree these files show up in the Working Copy Changes" This can be very confusing to first time users of a newly cloned repo. If anyone has any insights into this bug it would be of great appreciation.

April 1, 2014

In my case, it isn't only after the first time that I clone a repo, but the first time that I go to commit changes to a branch, after that first time of attempting to stage those changes, they don't show up again.

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