Multiple hosting accounts with the same username

Luke Lane
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February 7, 2022

I am trying to configure SourceTree to connect to multiple Git repositories that are hosted under different Organizations in Azure DevOps. I access both organizations using the same Azure Active Directory account.


I can successfully add a Hosting Account with a Personal Access Token for the first organization, for example:

Tools > Options > Authentication > Add

Hosting Service: Azure DevOps

Host URL:[OrganizationA]

Preferred Protocol: HTTPS

Authentication: Personal Access Token

Username: [myemail]@[mycompany].com

Password: [PAT_A]


I try to add a second Hosting Account using the same settings as above, but with the following fields different:

Host URL:[OrganizationB]

Password: [PAT_B]

But I get the following error:

An account already exists for '[myemail]@[mycompany]'


This looks like a limitation in SourceTree that it cannot support multiple accounts with the same username and root URL.


I tried manually editing the file C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Atlassian\SourceTree\accounts.json but couldn't get it working - although I could see both accounts in the Authentication settings and set the correct PAT for each one, I don't think the rest of the app knows how to choose the correct account and I got authentication errors.


I am on Windows 10 Pro x64 21H2 using SourceTree 3.4.7 (Enterprise installer)

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Baptiste MARZET
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August 30, 2022


I had the same issue here. I did a hacky thing to be able to connect to multiple organisations: Azure DevOps still support old organisation URL from visual studio time.

So instead of using[OrganizationA] and[OrganizationB], use https://[OrganizationA] and https://[OrganizationB] URL as host. And sourcetree will be happy with this as domain is different.

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