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Maya Module Path set by json

Irene Pu
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January 22, 2019



Our pipeline is currently using Sourcetree to manage our scripts for Maya.

Our issue is that we've added someone new to our pipeline/Sourcetree and they can deploy code to Sourcetree; however, we have a dictionary in a .package-cfg.json file that lets the code in our repo override our current pipeline by setting their environment variables/script path to that of their local scripts rather than that of the pipeline. 

So when we import modules in the script editor in maya, if we are on the pipeline, our module paths to scripts would be like:



However, the json file lets us override to the scripts on our C: drive



If I remember correctly, a blank json file is generated when we make our account; however, for this user I feel like the json file isn't helping override the Maya variables. How can I check if this person's .package-cfg.json file is properly working and connected to SourceTree?


Thank you

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 23, 2019


Sourcetree does not interact with .package-cfg.json files, are you referring to the right application?

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