Mac / Major v. 4.0 update proposal

_ficu October 27, 2019

Hi, I'am a little worried now,
I check for updates my Sourcetree app, and i got update to version 4.0, but newest release on site is 3.2.1, i found release notes for 4 but is everything fine?
What is going ?

3 answers

0 votes
_ficu October 27, 2019

What the heck, after 15 min after my last reply, file from bitbucketlabs was changed to new

0 votes
Gideon King October 27, 2019

I updated to v4 when it told me it was available, and although it works, it's *really* slow. And when I do a check for update it says that v3.2 is the newest version available and I'm running v4.

_ficu October 27, 2019

mee too, additionaly Avira Antivirus told me about Adware in this update Suorceapp. I do not know is true or just false positive check. And i am worrying about this most.

Curtis White November 8, 2019

It's horribly slow. I'm looking for a way to go back because it's almost unusable.

Gideon King November 10, 2019

I received an update notification to version 4.1 (232) a few days ago, and since then have had no performance problems.

Curtis White November 11, 2019

I tried updating and got a 4.0 (232) but it is still really slow. I've gone back to 3.2.1 until they fix this slowness problem.

0 votes
_ficu October 27, 2019

ok, it's looks like not official beta release, but i never want this..., can someone confirm ?

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