Is it possible to Have SourceTree data pulled from repository stored on a network shared drive

Mevi Dvash November 21, 2022
  • Can I set my Sourcetree that data from a repository aren't stored on my computer but on a team network share that we connect to by VPN? Or does it have to be my local computer?
  • Is this is a good idea in terms of performance?
  • If this is possible, can I change the sync folder or do I have to download/pull everything again?

1 answer

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MrJJ November 23, 2022

Hi. Do you mean to clone directly to a shared folder?

I do it and have no issues so far.  

Regarding speed. the VPN normally slows it down but depending on link speed, it might not matter.  However, compiling over a VPN link will be awful :)

If "sync folder" is the project folder under revision, then yes, it's okay to copy it.

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