I can't install SourceTree for Windows on my PC with Windows 8.1 Enterprise installed.

Hans Zhang
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October 26, 2013
It shows an alert dialog when the setup program is in the step "Installing SourceTree". The dialog tells that: Source file not found: C:\ProgramData\Atlassian\SourceTree 1.3.0\install\disk1.cab. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it. I have checked that folder, but no disk1.cab is there. Only a file named "SourceTreeSetup_1.3.0.msi" is in that folder.

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Hans Zhang
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October 26, 2013

I have installed the SourceTree 1.3.0 on my Windows 8.1.

The reason why it alerts that the disk1.cab is missing is I saved the setup file in a folder with a Chinese name.

Just move it to the root of any drive, and restart the setup program. Thanks.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 5, 2016

it happends on my case I cannot install it nor copy it from my folder to anywhere


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