Hi Everyone,
We are using Sourcetree for GIT. Our merge strategy relies on transferring only a subset of the different files from one branch to another, because we have such branches that not all changes made in one branch are relevant for the other. And this needs to be on a file by file level, not on a commit level.
This can be easily done if the autocommit on merge is not active, as then we just stage the files that we need and ignore the rest. Which is supported by the Merge icon from the task, but not by the merge command from the right mouse button menu. The first method (merge icon) offers a pop up where the option "Commit merge immediately (if no conflicts)" can be disabled which does exactly what we need.
But this option always resets to enabled, so have to be set every time we merge, which means mistakes are more than likely. And I couldn't find a way to change the default behaviour of merge action from the right mouse menu at all. There seems to be no option for that in Sourcetree's Tools > Options and changing the user.config file seems to have no effect either:
I found "GitCommitMergedChangesImmediately" in
which seems to be the very thing I need, but changing that from True to False has no effect. (Even though changing other attributes in the same file have the expected effect on Sourcetree)
I would be grateful for any ideas. Many thanks.