How to keep the user's config when updating SourceTree Enterprise?

Jonas Denter
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October 28, 2024

We want to update our installations of SourceTree Enterprise (on Windows 10 and 11; ST version 3.4.18) to version 3.4.20.

When rolling out the new version we observed that the user.config found under 

%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree.exe_Url_someHashLikeString\ is not transferred over to \ which results in all settings reverting back to default.

We know that it is possible to ship a pre-configured SourceTree.exe.config with modified settings, but this is only useful for some general settings, not for all of them.


So the question is: How can we make sure our users don't lose their configurations every time we update SourceTree?

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