How to ignore remote branches

Pavel Kouřil
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July 16, 2014


I would like to ask one thing -- how can one ignore some of the remote branches? I don't want to delete them, just ignore them for the Log/History view.

Unfortunately, my hosting which supports git deploy, has some weird setup where remote = domain and respective branches are subdomains, therefore having some of these branches in the view clutters it with totally unrelated project.

Is it even possible?
Thanks in advance!

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Balázs Szakmáry
Rising Star
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July 16, 2014

Above the commit history, there is a "Show Remote Branches" checkbox. If you clear that, only local branches are displayed.

Balázs Szakmáry
Rising Star
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July 16, 2014

There is no option to do that. You might want to try Git Extensions, it has a more sophisticated branch filter.

Pavel Kouřil
I'm New Here
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July 16, 2014

Well, I need to ignore only specific branches from one remote, not all remote branches.

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