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How to fix the issue where SourceTree keeps asking for my GitHub account password

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March 6, 2021

Everytime i restart the SourceTree application, it asks me for the password for one of my GitHub account added into SourceTree.


Now the situation is i have added 3 accounts to the SourceTree.

One is a BitBucket account for which i used user name and password and HTTPS.

The second account is a GitHub account for which i used user name and personal access token as password with HTTPS.

Third account is another GitHub account for which also i have used the user name and personal access token as password with HTTPS.


Problem is i only get password popup for the 3rd account everytime i restart the SourceTree. Not for the other 2 accounts. Why is this kind of behavior. I tried searching for solutions and applied many solutions i found from community but none of them worked. One thing i can find weird is when i searched in the password section of Keychain application for SourceTree, i found password for the first 2 accounts but could not find the password entry for the 3rd. I have tried re-adding the account as well in SourceTree but that also did not made an entry in the Keychain application.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 6, 2021

Edited in the account section multiple times and used password and personal access token alternatively for 4-5 times and then i was able to see the entry for access token in the Keychain app but suddenly the entry for the BitBucket account was vanished from the Keychain application. After that i removed the BitBucket account from SourceTree and re-added it using OAuth. Now all 3 account works fine and SourceTree does not ask for password for anything.

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