How to create a patch file for each of multiple commits

April 10, 2018

I would like to create separate patch files for each of several commits, but can not find a way to select multiple commits in the create patch panel.

  1. As depicted in the following screenshot of my Create Patch…/Patch From Commits, I have ticked the Create a separate patch file per commits (append sequence number to filename) checkbox so that I could create a series of patch files.  I have selected commit "**Fix Some Analyze…" and would have liked to select commit "**Fix Issue #005…" also. But, there doesn't appear to be any way to select more than one commit.
  2. If I proceed with 1., a commit file named "patch0001.diff" is created from commit "**Fix Some Analyze…" and the Patch From Commits panel is dismissed.
  3. If I return to Create Patch…/Patch From Commits, the panel is set to its default state with the Create a separate patch… checkbox unticked and the Patch File: path reset to the repository.
  4. If I reset the panel as in 1. and this time select a different commit, "**Fix Issue #005…", then create the patch, the patch file "patch0001.diff" is replaced with the  patch from commit "**Fix Issue #005…".  I was expecting another patch file to be created titled "patch0002.diff".

I just don't see how one is supposed to utilize the Create a separate patch file per commits (append sequence number to filename) checkbox to create a sequence of patches.


Screen Shot 2018-04-10 at 11.49.34 AM.png


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 11, 2018


Holding the ctrl key while clicking on the commit should allow you to select multiple commits.

April 11, 2018

On the Mac the CTRL key doesn't work, but the CMD key does!

Before I posted the question, I thought that I tried all the modifier keys many different ways, but I apparently overlooked the CMD key.

Holding the CMD key down while clicking on commits does, indeed, add to the selection.  Then proceeding with Create Patch…/Patch From Commits as I detailed in 1. above does produce a series of patch files, each containing a different commit.

Thanks Michael.  Your answer moved me off the dime.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 11, 2018

Ah missed the mac aspect. Glad you are back up and running

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