I've had a long-running problem with SourceTree in which every time I pull or push with BitBucket I'm required to re-authenticate (I think it arrived around the time that the UI was overhauled to not show repos down the left-hand-side of the default view).
I've tried:
- Normal reinstalls - nothing changed.
- Upgrading through many different versions and/or betas - problem has remained.
- Deleting the passwd file - the problem appeared fixed for a few days maybe, but then came back.
- Following the instructions at https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Sourcetree-questions/How-do-I-fully-remove-SourceTree-so-that-I-can-do-a-quot-fresh/qaq-p/605355 - the problem remained.
In the last case I reinstalled 3.4.10 and set up SSH key authentication during the install process, however:
- When I then opened the Authentication options, it still listed all the Accounts which were present in the last install (3.4.9), so it doesn't seem to have been fully reset.
- Although SourceTree did initially authenticate with BitBucket ok as it was able to list the repositories in my account, the SSH key shows up in the BitBucket configuration page as Last Used: Never, so probably whatever configuration remained from the previous install has been used instead?
- Within an hour or two the authenticated status had timed out and I needed to re-auth.
The *only* way I've been able to get SourceTree to talk to the server for years is:
1. Cancel the password popup (no password works).
2. Tools -> Options -> Authentication.
3. Open the Account being used to connect.
4. Click 'Edit'.
5. Click 'Refresh Oauth Token'.
6. Wait for the browser to open and authenticate.
.. then it's good for maybe a few hours before needing to repeat the process.
So the questions I have are:
- How can I reset SourceTree so that all pre-existing configuration is removed?
- Is it possible that there's configuration stored in git, or some 3rd-party service, or the repos themselves, which also needs resetting?
- What's the recommended way of setting up SourceTree to authenticate with BitBucket?
- What 3rd-party services or utilities do I need to have configured and running for authentication to be stable under Windows 10? (Is OpenSSH Authentication Agent required? Do I need a specific version of Pageant? Does the version of git I'm using make a difference - should I go with the embedded version or install something else?)
- I've seen many crashes of a process included with SourceTree called 'askpass.exe' - at times it's been popping up a crash dialog every hour or two throughout the day - is this part of the problem, and is there something about my environment that needs to be addressed to allow it to run successfully?
Sorry - a lot of questions - thinking that if I can clean everything and set it up with the recommended configuration then it might shake the problem once and for all.