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How do I get source of a specific commit

jianbai-wang July 16, 2019

I have cloned a source branch. My understanding is that when you clone a branch, it get all the commits of that branch's history. 

If I want to go back to a specific commit on the branch, how do I do that using SourceTree? 

Thanks for any help.

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Atlassian Team
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July 23, 2019

Hi @jianbai-wang,

You'll want to do one of the following:

1. select the branch in the sidebar and the commit graph will jump to the most recent one for that branch

2. You can filter based on the 'branches' popup on the left above the commit graph to

3. if you know details like commit author, date range, or message you can use Search to get that in list

Double-clicking on an entry in the commit graph will switch to that particular commit. Hope that helps a bit.

Brian Ganninger
Principal Developer, Sourcetree

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