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How do I change my username?

NielsC February 2, 2019

For some reason sourcetree keeps guessing my username. I need the whole email address to login but it only uses the part before the @. It is set correclty under options/general, so I have no idea where sourcetree gets my username from. I had the same problem on my Mac a couple of days ago and I was able to change the username, but I can't find it anywhere in SOurcetree for Windows... Where can I change my username?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 4, 2019


If you have an account registered in Sourcetree then you need to change that in Tools/Options/Account, if it is the credentials used by Git, usually indicated by a separate popup dialog when making push/fetch/pull style remote requests, then you can go into the Windows Credential Manager and delete any 'git:' prefixed entries. Git should then prompt you again but then store the correct credentials.

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