How could I get the 3.3.4 version

Cuthbert Tse
I'm New Here
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November 26, 2019

I am currently using 3.2.6 which crashes during commuting. After that I re-install and fix the issue. I asked the engineer in my team and he said I should update to 3.3.4, which is what others are using. But I do not know how to get that version. Default download leads me to 3.2.6 again and pressing update in options changes nothing.


Is there anyway I can get the 3.3.4?

2 answers

1 vote
December 10, 2019

I'd steer clear of 3.3.4. It has several issues such as terminal and custom actions being broken. This was confirmed via the update. I tried to download the stand-alone to see if things would be different, but my security software found it to be ransomware.

I'm afraid to even try 3.3.6.

0 votes
Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 3, 2019

Hey @Cuthbert Tse , welcome to the Community!

We use a phased-rollout approach to new versions of Sourcetree that helps reduce less users to potential new bugs (which we are able to then fix before releasing more widely). This means that most people will still get 3.2.6 at the moment when clicking the download button from the Sourcetree website.

You can jump the line and get the very most recent release here (3.3.6) or if you'd like to match versions with your teammates, grab 3.3.4 from here.


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