Github Permission denied (publickey)

August 29, 2018

Hi, I downloaded SourceTree 2.7.6 today, and encountered below error, so I am denied access to all remote git operations with sourcetree.

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=sourcetree fetch origin Permission denied (publickey).

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

 Please make sure you have the correct access rights

and the repository exists.

 FYI, my github account is added in SourceTree with Oauth, my ssh keys are well setted in local directory and in github account,  and I can do all remote git operation in terminal using commands.

Please help me with this issue, Thank you!




problem solved after adding the key to ssh agent using below command

$ ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa


 after some experiment I think the private key must be named  id_rsa for SourceTree to work, which is an inconvenience and should be solved by sourcetree developers!!!!!!!

2 answers

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Grant Viklund
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 11, 2019

What you need to do is set it in the config file in your .ssh folder to use the right key when talking to the right domain.  'config' is just a plain text file that the SSH Agent uses to know which keys to use where.

In the case of GitHub you should have something that looks like this:

Host GitHub
    IdentityFile /<path>/<to>/.ssh/<YOUR KEY TO USE>
    UseKeychain yes
    AddKeysToAgent yes

You can then set different keys to use with different domains and servers.

The other thing that is critical is to make sure you add the key you create to the Agent's list of keys like you did in your edit.

- Grant

Grant Viklund
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 11, 2019

As a followup to the answer above, anytime I go to a repo on (HostName) it will use the key I provide a path to (IdentityFile) to make the SSH connection.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 31, 2018

Sourcetree will respect whatever keys are loaded in your user environment and the configuration file contents, it isn't doing anything special beyond that. The SSH key management we introduced will generate and configure SSH keys for each service + account and use that if configured, otherwise it will default to id_rsa. Unfortunately macOS has a habit of forgetting loaded SSH keys which is a quirk introduced in 10.12.

Brian Ganninger
Senior Mac Developer, Sourcetree

September 10, 2018

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find where to configure the ssh keys. There are no ssh key management options in the preferences&settings.

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