I have a branch I've been working on locally, I've been keeping it merged with the main branch up until yesterday.
Today when I did a merge I got some errors, I noticed the main branch has some new changes and it's removing them, essentially as if I had deleted those changes(I didn't touch those files)... I get the same results merging in either direction, it seems to think my files are more up to date even though they are missing lines.
I'm afraid it may be doing it with a lot of files, so I haven't commited the merge.. What's going on?
Are you merging while you have uncommitted changes in your working copy? If so, that's a bad idea. You should commit those changes or stash them. I'm surprised SourceTree isn't preventing you from merging and instructing you to do one of those things.
If that's not what's happening, I'm not sure what changes are being deleted. Maybe some screenshots of the Log/History graph would help?
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