Git Remote Repository and Local repository

Showrov Islam
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September 27, 2022

Whenever I try to create a local repository and upload it to github by creating a remote repo it gives an error Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 5.55.55 PM.pngScreenshot 2022-09-27 at 5.56.09 PM.png


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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 29, 2022


I encounter the same error (and my colleagues too). I am working on MacOs Monterey 12.6.

To summarize, the error appears when I try to create a new remote repository or when I try to list the remote repositories. You can find the Error contents in the screenshot below:


I tried to disconnect my account and reconnect it after and I try also to delete the application and download the latest version from the site. The both attempts did not fix the problem :-/

I contacted the Bitbucket Support Team but they can't help me because it is an issue related to the application Sourcetree.

So, maybe someone from the Support Team of Sourcetree can help us?

Thanks for your help,

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