Fast Mac, new OSX, actual SourceTree - stage is very slow

Macsis October 24, 2013

I'v actual version of SourceTree (1.7.3), very fast iMac (3,7GHz, SSD, 32Mb RAM), new OSX, but SourceTree works VERY slow.

The slowest is updated contents of the list of files (Files staged in the index AND Files in the working tre) that occurs every time then I stage / commit in all the dialogues. Each update takes up to 10 seconds.

Not a lot of changes, usually within a ten. The repository is not very big (about 9000 files in the main it is code and the image, the total volume of 2,5 Gb). Additionaly connected to two remote repository on BitBucket (original and fork on it).

The problem is serious for me, because I spend a lot of time to empty out. Is there a way to solve it?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 24, 2013

Hey there,

Sorry this is happening for you. Could you go through the following article so we could narrow down possible issues?

Thanks in advance

Macsis October 24, 2013


  1. NO
  2. I use EMBEDED GIT version
  3. CPU: 3,7GHz, RAM: 32Gb, FusionDrive (free 400+ Gb)
  4. i use SourceTree version 1.7.3
  5. repository is local, on my hard disk
  6. 'git log' is fast
  7. NO

Information to provide to support

  1. I use EMBEDED GIT version
  2. CPU: 3,7GHz, RAM: 32Gb, FusionDrive (free 400+ Gb)
  3. repository is local, on my hard disk + two connected
  4. I have 6 repositories
  5. 1.7.3
  6. MAC OS 10.9
  7. Show pending
Macsis November 2, 2013

so what? ;)

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 11, 2013

Sorry I haven't replied, you've been on my top list. Could you try out the latest version of SourceTree to see if that helps?

Thanks in advance

Macsis December 11, 2013

At first glance, it became much faster. Work a couple of days and I will write a final conclusion.

Rick Jensen December 12, 2013

I noticed major slowness in updating file statuses, but just upgraded to newest version ( and things seem to be much faster. If I notice it getting slow again, I'll come back here. It's possible it's due to leaving it open for days / weeks at a time, which is how I usually use it :)

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