I'm having trouble with the Source URL in the "clone a repo" window in Sourcetree. Our Bitbucket server uses email addresses as user names. The default clone url that comes up is in Sourcetree is "https://name@server.com@mybitbucketserver.com/bitbucket/scm/blah/blah". Obviously the two @ signs are invalid. If I try to change it to %40 in the accounts preferences, it fails to update and says invalid login. If I just erase the username entirely then it works, like this: "https://mybitbucketserver.com/bitbucket/scm/blah/blah"
When I need to git clone from the command line, l just use %40 as the @ symbol. This works fine. I'm also using whatever the embedded git is for Sourcetree 3.2.1 and I'm on a Mac.
Any thoughts?