Cloning error: This is not a valid source path /URL

Jyothi Dadi
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April 21, 2024

Sourcetree 3.4.17 Windows 10


Problem: Facing below error while connecting to Azure Devops repository:


Error: fatal: Cannot determine the organization name for this '' remote URL. Ensure the `credential.useHttpPath` configuration value is set, or set the organization name as the user in the remote URL '{org}'.
fatal: Cannot determine the organization name for this '' remote URL. Ensure the `credential.useHttpPath` configuration value is set, or set the organization name as the user in the remote URL '{org}'.
fatal: Authentication failed for '*********'


Steps taken that are recommended in the community pages to resolve the problem:


  • For Ensure the `credential.useHttpPath` configuration value is set, below are the options checked, please suggest if any of these options need to be checked or unchecked?Git Options.PNG


  • For set the organization name as the user in the remote URL '{org}'updated URL to https://{user_id} instead of . By doing this it asked to enter password for my user id and after logging in , it still showed the same error


  • For Authentication failed for '*********' , removed Password file in c:/users/programfiles............ path and retried cloning, but the issue still exists





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